Wednesday, August 22, 2018

PICS: 8.22.18

 Elder Lin training at MLC on asking Inspired Questions.  We will miss this amazing Assistant who goes home in September! He has helped us transition and been so kind! 

 With STL Sister Maynard who taught about "Pumping up" our companions on exchanges

 I love these alleys of treasures at Dongmen Market!

 Beautiful little retreat spot near Jinhua

 Flora with fat worm!

 Leo and Krystal cake cutting

 Ping Huijiang at the Li's baptism reception

 Chinese Theater at CKSM

 Chiang Kai Shek Memorial

 Center of CKSM square

 Morning walk to Chiang Kai Shek Memorial

With the Homers in front of the Taipei Temple!

The Kline Family (3 reds)

 Every day we smile!

 Welcoming new group at Grand Hotel Taiwan dedication site

 Dedicating our missions to the Lord

 First batch - on the steps where Mark E. Petersen dedicated Taiwan to missionary work 60 years ago

Our first group! In front of Grand Hotel

 Grand Hotel Lobby

 Lobby Ceiling

 Grand Hotel Lobby

 Trainer/Trainee waffle breakfast in mission home

 Welcoming our first group at the airport

 First day chuan jiao ing

First LAST batch returning and reporting at dedication site

Departing group from L to R - Rhoton, Balmforth, Alexander,
Chiu, Olsen, Hooker, Holderness, Murdock, Jorgensen, Doyle, Nelson and Davis

Sweet reunion for Sister Eyring and her parents

With sister Eyring

This is our Temple president, temple missionaries and senior couple FHE group

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

August 22, 2018: Here's to 35 years and more!

August 22, 2018

Dear Family and Friends:

I guess I’m on the two week plan of writing!  I just can’t make the world stop in between to sit down and email. (crazy emoji face)  Though I think of you all so often and am so grateful for your love and prayers.  We feel them and we need them so thank you thank you!

First off, what an incredible prophetic announcement and correction we have received from President Nelson on calling our Church by it’s full name!  There is such power in saying the name of the Savior each time we let people know which church we belong to.  We are excited to embrace this personally and as a mission to more fully proclaim that this is the restored Church of Jesus Christ –The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints.  I love that President Nelson is humble, bold and sensitive enough to both receive and respond to this revelation and I know as we follow his lead, more people will know that this is the church Jesus Christ established on the earth when He was on it and which has been restored to the earth with all the priesthood authority through Joseph Smith the prophet.  Henbang!!!!

Speaking of henbang, we did celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary on a Saturday before the official day  by attending the temple (Chinese session), trying some Greek food place (not as good as in US but good attempt!) and then we attended a concert of the “3 reds” –the mom and sisters of Elder Cline,  a missionary in our mission who is going home so they scheduled some performances while they were here.  They were wonderful and brought a great spirit with their beautiful music.  (They also brought a big bag of brown sugar and McCormick spices clear from Cheryl Nord and Linda Dyches which was sooo thoughtful and kind of them! THANK YOU CHERYL, LINDA and MELOU!!! You are the dearest friends!)  It was sweet--someone in the mission found out it was our anniversary that next day and we had a few cute texts throughout the day.  Hard to believe we have been “companions” that long.  It has been quite a ride and if anything I have learned in the last six weeks of being “missionary companions” with Mike is how much I love and admire him and am so grateful for his love and patience with me.  I’m grateful he hasn’t put in for a transfer—at least not yet!  It’s wonderful to serve together and truly rely on the Lord together.  I love seeing him nurture and teach and train and laugh and cry with our missionaries.  He truly is an amazing man and I tell the missionaries I fall in love with him all over again hearing him bear testimony and teach the gospel with all his might and strength just as I did initially when we met in our BYU 85th ward when he was Gospel Doctrine teacher and my dutiful Home Teacher.  He truly is my best friend and I’m eternally grateful for his teachings from the day I first saw him!  

That next Wednesday--August 8th (which is Father’s day here because it is 8/8 Ba (8) which sounds like  BaBa or "Father" in Chinese) Mike became a “Dad” (and I became a MOM) of nine new missionaries who had come from various VISA waiting missions—New York, Layton Utah, Arcadia CA and Minnesota!  Crazy! It was such a joy to welcome these missionaries after seeing their pictures on our “new missionary board” for weeks!  We welcomed Sisters DeLong, Distajo and Valencia (the last two from the Philippines), and also Elder Velasco from Philippines, Elders Bown, Fong, Ray, Brunette and Reynolds!  We took the Assistants and our big banner to welcome them to Taiwan at the Taoyuan airport.  It was so exciting!  We had imagined this moment now for many months and hope they felt our love!  After a very long wait due to the fact one Elder’s bag never made it from SFO, they finally came thru the exit door!  What a joyous HUANNING to this tired but smiling group! (Some had been flying for over 24 hours!)  We drove  back to Taipei on a bus and introduced ourselves all in Chinese to one another!  Their Chinese is hen hao!  Way better than mine that’s for sure!  We took their bags to the basement of the mission home and then went out on the streets near our temple to get a famous juabing and CoCo drink.  The juabings are amazing! They are like a fluffy pancake with green onion that they put egg, cheese, ham and fresh basil and a sweet hot sauce on!  So good!  The Co Co drink is a sweet mango drink with the tapioca bobos and things in the bottom.  The missionaries devoured them and were then ready for bed.  They sleep downstairs in the Temple patron housing which works perfectly!.
The next morning we got them up early to drive over to the Grand Hotel and nearby sacred site where Mark E. Petersen dedicated Taiwan for missionary work.  As we walked into the garden-like area the locusts were buzzing loud but they increased in volume as we started to sing Called to Serve!  It was cool! We had copies of that dedicatory prayer for the new missionaries to read aloud taking turns and then Mike talked to t hem about consecrating themselves to the work and then asked them to go find a spot to pray and dedicate themselves to the work and ask the Lord for His help to do His work.  That was so special for us to do as well with them individually since we hadn’t ever done that either.  We came back together and then Mike asked me to offer a prayer.  It was hard not to weep thinking about how proud of these missionaries Heavenly Father must be.  What love I felt for them and I know Heavenly Father and our Savior feel for their servants.  I know they/we will not be alone in the vineyard!  (Jacob 5)  We took pictures on the steps of the Grand Hotel and then went inside to see the lobby.  It is very REGAL with everything RED and very GRAND indeed.  We then came back to the mission home apartment for our homemade wheat waffles with all the trimmings and the new trainers and assistants joined us!  It was so joyous to have a house full for the first time.  Costco had fresh peaches and berries and the missionaries were in hog heaven! They all said they woke up at 2 am and couldn’t sleep!  I feel so bad for them because they aren’t going to get a nap today! No sir! ChuanJiao life starts in full today!

We introduced ourselves and our family with the family video, shared our testimonies and then the new missionaries went off to the office to take care of all their debit cards, bicycles and other things. The trainers went with us to be trained.  Mike had these trainers discuss what the “culture” of our mission is and then asked each of them to TEACH the new missionaries what that culture is.  I literally cried I was so touched that these missionaries know what the culture is and taught it with such enthusiasm to the new batch! WE loved seeing the trainers hop up to write on the whiteboard a word that describes the mission culture and then testify of it with such HOPtimism!  They literally were bouncing with enthusiasm and zeal!  The first said:  We are a PMG mission!  Next we are a TRBC mission with an emphasis on the R for repentance!  They circled the R and said President says please don’t skip over the Repentance process directly to Baptism.   When we invite people to repent we are inviting the power of the Atonement into their lives! We BAPTIZE! We are an OBEDIENT mission, We are a FINDING mission thru ENGLISH CLASS!, WE are a HAPPY mission—drink from the positive cup!, We are all about LOVE for the people of Taiwan, We are a mission who TALKS to EVERYONE—if we have to stop our bikes every ten feet!,  We follow Safeguards for Technology, We are a planning/scheduling and area book keeping mission.  We are an ACCOUNTABLE mission who returns and reports to our leaders and most importantly to the Lord.   There may have been more but we were so proud of these missionaries and their desire to be such diligent and loving examples for those following them.  A tradition in this mission is that to learn who their trainer will be, they stand up and read a letter like a mission call saying you’ll be laboring in the “Jonghe” area with Elder so and so! The excitement and love as they embrace was so so sweet and I felt the love of these trainers and trainees for each other was instantaneous. Again, I don’t know why but I again had to wipe tears from my eyes as I saw these sweet trainers and missionaries have such love for each other and willingness to go out now and serve the Lord together with all their heart might mind and strength, knowing it wasn’t going to be easy—but rejoicing to do it together!   I loved seeing this whole process and my heart went out to the new exhausted missionaries.  I gave each trainer some melatonin to give to their new trainee to help them sleep the next few nights and get over jetlag.  These new missionaries were about to pass out from travelling fatigue and they still had to get their bikes, luggage and travel to their new areas and then go out and ChuanJiao the rest of the day and  evening!  Welcome to Mission Life! We prayed all week for them and their trainers with all our hearts that they’d not be overwhelmed and be able to adjust and feel confident that they were called to succeed here!  And we know and felt so powerfully that they ARE and Will as we prayed together at the dedication site!

Likewise we felt such love for the first batch of missionaries returning home the next day!  Seventeen of the finest the TTM has ever seen I’m sure: Elders Rhoton, Hooker, Balmforth, Alexander, Jorgensen, Hiu, Doyle, Hinckley, Olsen, Nelson, Davis and Holderness and Sister Eyring along with Sisters Hanna and Wells who go home this week but participated in the farewell activities with this batch!  After going to the dedication site with the new ones, we decided to do a new tradition and take those going home back to that site to Return and Report on their missions to the Lord!  Mike told them after each one took time alone to pray and report to their Heavenly Father that they should feel acceptable and at peace.  That each one would feel like they could have done more but that they were to know that the Lord accepted their offerings.  I felt impressed as I had tried to imagine how they were feeling to share with them what Lauren wrote home in the final letter of her mission.  I love it so much, I asked her if I could share it with them.  She wrote:  “My mission has healed me.  I have seen miracles every day.  I have walked beside angels, both on theis earth and on the other side of the veil.  I have laughed, sun, danced, and rejoiced in my King every single day.  I have cried many tears, and even asked God—(as pioneer Amy Porter did) “Oh, how shall I ever go on?” But like another pioneer—Priscilla Evans, “I thought it was a beautiful way to go to Zion and I wouldn’t change one thing.”  I can testify with everything that I am, that God lives. He lives! His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Is our Savior and Redeemer!  I owe everything to Him and know that He will continue to strengthen me through out the rest of my life.  I know that this is His church and only true church on the face of the earth today.  I know that Joseph Smith truly was a prophet of God and that he in fact restored Christ’s church, along with bringing for the the Book of Mormon as another testament of our Savior.”  Then I read a quote she quoted by then President Uchdorf about how we are eternal beings of light: “In light of what we know about our eternal destiny, is it any wonder that whenever we face the bitter endings of life, they seem unacceptable to us? There seems to be something inside of us that resists endings.  Why is this? Because we are made of the stuff of eternity.  WE are eternal beings, children of the Almighty God, whose name is Endless and who promises eternal blessings without number.  Endings are not our destiny.  The more we learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ, the more we realize that endings here in mortality are not endings at all.  They are merely interruptions—temporary pauses that one day will seem small compared to the eternal joy awaiting the faithful.  How grateful I am to my Heavenly Father that in His plan there are no true endings, only everlasting beginnings.”   I know that this mission has just helped me see who I truly am, a daughter of God, and an heir to His kingdom.  I know now that the true beginning starts!” 
I testified to the missionaries that they were just beginning their life of consecration not ending it.  I plead with them to continue to remember their purpose to invite others—beginning with themselves to Come unto Christ. 

After that sweet experience we got to go together to the temple for a session together!  What joy for THEM especially to be there together as a group and reflect on the joy they’d had serving the Lord and helping others come to know Him and His eternal plan of happiness!  Such amazing missionaries.  It was an honor to be with them.  We went from there to the MRT (subway) to an underground mall where they have a BUFFET that the missionaries all look forward to partaking in.  It has all the Asian delicacies from Sushi and Fish and all kinds of Seafood to Hagaan Daz ice cream and Mango cheesecake, punctuated by endless glasses of guava punch.  We got to sit with the three sisters and Elder Rhoton and enjoyed getting to hear of their plans and their reflections on their missions.  Sister Eyring shared with us how this past spring her sweet Bundi-ren (native) companion had had to push her in a wheelchair for SIX WEEKS while she recovered from an injury incurred from falling down some stairs!  She showed us a video of this companion running behind her pushing her along the busy streets here!  It was amazing that she did this with so much love.  They gave us tips on foods to trust and shared all kinds of funny stories of people and experiences.  We soon were so full and decided we all needed to push away from the table and push our stuffed selves back toward the mission home!  We there had a very sweet hour together hearing them bear their testimonies.  I asked them to underline their fav scripture in my Chinese/Pinyin/English Book of Mormon and sign their name in the margin and Mike asked them to sign his Taiwan flag he had bought as a young missionary and which we hung in his office here.  What a sweet thing to hear their testimonies and their love for the work and what they have learned as they’ve learned to rely on the Lord.  One Elder told how up til his mission everything had come fairly easily to him and so he thought the mission would be the same.  He talked about how hard it was and how he had to kneel in prayer and beg his Father in Heaven to help him do what seemed impossible.  Through that humbling process he was so grateful he has learned to set goals now and that anything is possible as we plan with a purpose and set goals and keep working toward them.  Another Elder wept for joy that the mission had taught him how much we need the Savior because we need to repent and how grateful he was to understand the Atonement of the Savior now and to know this means he CAN repent and he can be clean and “need no longer droop in sin”.  Each testimony built on the last and so when it was my turn at the end I couldn’t hold back the tears again.  I told them how grateful we felt to them for their service and the mission culture they had created and the legacy of their service that would continue to bless the people of Taiwan and our lives.  They were our FIRST LAST so we will always remember them!  We plead with them to remain true and to keep track of one another and those they taught and help to continue invite others, themselves and each other  to Come unto Christ.  Each Elder was given a Taiwan temple tie clasp or Sisters a Taiwan temple necklace to help them remember their days as ChuanJiao shi men.  Such a special evening and special group.  Last thing we did was take them up on the roof patio that overlooks the temple.  So glorious at night!  Such an amazing sight and inspiration to behold together one last time!

The next day we had the chance to have the three returning home sisters spend the night.  Two of them are staying an extra two weeks and Sister Eyring’s parents were coming to pick her up.  What joy to film that reunion and get to visit with them.  She is their first child to serve and a granddaughter of President Eyring.  Her parents were so kind and offered to take us to lunch at a famous Beef Noodle place just down the street.  Being a first time for them using chopsticks this was quite a challenge to eat slippery noodles! Sis. Eyring’s father Matt was chuckling because Mike’s white shirt got splattered on from across the table.  He was hilariously counting each new “spot” and said "you’ve got a few here (as he pointed out the splotches) and another serious one over there on the right side now!"  We laughed so hard.  It made it so funny and memorable!  We loved our time with the Eyrings and could see clearly Sister Eyring was born of goodly parents! That night (with a clean white shirt onJ) we saw them again at a baptism that was so joyous—someone Sister Eyring had taught and Mike had interviewed for baptism.  The 26 year old woman baptized is named Sloane and she was so so humble.  Sis E describes her first meeting with Sloan: "She walked into the JinHua chapel on a Sunday and was needing someone to talk to.  She described to the Sisters feeling far from God and was questioning if He really exists.  She wanted the happiness that she saw in us missionaries!  I told her that she had come to the right place and we had all the answers for her.  When I said this, her face just lit up and she said, "Really?!!! Please tell me what you know!"  I have never seen anyone so eager to learn the gospel." So they sat her down and started teaching her.  She was golden!  Sis E. said it has brought Sloan a level of joy that she had never even imagined was possible.  Mike shared that during her interview she was so touched to tears that she could be forgiven of things in her life.  She asked How can this be?  How is it done? As Enos had asked and to which Mike could joyfully tell Sloane that through repentance and the Atonement of Jesus Christ and faith in Him.  After her baptism we asked her how she felt and beaming she said “I feel so Clean!” So happy! What a joy for Sis Eyring and her parents  and for us to be there and witness her joy!

This last weekend we attended another beautiful baptism of a mother and 26 yr old son—Krystal and Leo Li.  The son, Leo has autism and works at a “Seven” as they call them here (7/11) and saw our sweet Elder Ellison and his companion studying  there one day, which our missionaries have permission to do to get out of the heat and it is often good exposure for people to see and visit with them too.  This particular day, Leo walked over and was standing right next to them just watching them for several minutes.  Elder Ellison couldn’t help but notice him and invited Leo to read the B of M with them and he did.  They gave him a copy to read to take home and asked if they could come teach him. Krystal, his mother was shocked when at home she saw and heard her son reading the Book of Mormon.  This was the first time she had EVER heard him read out loud because of his autism!  She said she felt the power of the scriptures he was reading.  Her sweet son taught her about the commandments and read her scriptures about the blessings we receive as we obey them.  As the missionaries taught her son, she wanted to hear too.  But she said when they learned about the Word of Wisdom she told her son, What will we eat or drink? We have wine or tea with every meal.  Her son simply said “I guess we will have water!” J.  She was so amazed at the change in her son, she knew it was the power of God and so she has given up all these things and been willing to change too.  During the baptism the spirit was so sweet.  The missionaries sang “A Child’s Prayer” (in Chinese of course!)  Tears ran down Krystal’s cheeks (and mine too!!!) Mike was asked to share his testimony and he shared that though there might be days when it is hard in the upcoming weeks, to remember this feeling, this day of your baptism which is like a birthday—a day of re-birth .  He told of the family he taught in Taidong and what joy they have now as they pushed through those first weeks and months when they were making changes in their lives.  Now they have a whole family who rejoice in the blessings of the gospel and temple blessings because they keep their covenants. As she continues to live faithfully she too will enjoy those same blessings! She was soo thrilled Mike would come as he had interviewed her for her baptism.    It was sooo touching to see her and Leo go down in the waters of baptism and come up so happy and excited and then to hear their testimony (thanks to Elder Ellison’s interpreting) and feel of her sweet spirit as well as of Leo’s.  When the missionaries asked Leo’s older brother if they had noticed any changes in their brother they said, “before he never smile—now that’s all he does!!!  Thank you so much for helping him!”

I feel like that’s all we do too, is SMILE to get to be able to be  in Taiwan and to be able to witness these miracles and missionaries who are “walking miracles”.  Yesterday as Mike was interviewing, I was visiting with the district of missionaries all waiting their turn to be interviewed and it happened to be the district of missionaries where we had attended the baptism of Leo and Krystal and they had all been present there.  So as we were discussing what a beautiful baptism it was and as I asked them what miracles they were seeing in their area, the sisters—Sister Sorensen and Sister Garner shared with me that a miracle had come because of the baptism!!  They had invited a brother named JOY! Joy Chen -- who had been investigating for 7 years!  He had been invited to be baptized and had accepted finally just three months ago, but then backed out because he felt he wasn’t quite ready.   The sisters said he had never attended a baptism so they invited him to come to Leo and Krystal’s.  He said as he heard Ping Huijang’s talk and saw the sister and her son be baptized he knew he too needs to be baptized!!!!!!   So he asked if he could be baptized in four months on Christmas!?  Sister Sorenseon said she felt impressed to tell him.  Brother Chen, What if I gave you a sweet ripe Mango today but I asked you to wait until Christmas to eat it?  He pondered on that and then said I understand.  She said “you need to be baptized while you want to eat the fruit!” So he agreed and they are setting the date for his baptism in a few weeks!  I love the mango analogy and everyone here understands you never want to wait to eat something as sweet and delicious as a mango—and the sweetness of the gospel will never go bad! What an inspired missionary and miracle that came from another miracle of Leo and Krystal’s faith. 

I had other missionaries tell me miracle after miracle as I “waited” with them for interviews.  Another Elder said they had prayed and planned for two “set ups” one day but couldn’t find any because it was down pouring all day and no one was out.  When they returned to their apartment all drenched and feeling sad they hadn’t met their goal, they found two phone messages of people who called them from  who wanted to be taught.  They knew because they had been obedient, the Lord had helped them meet their goals which they’d set in faith!
We had the privilege on August 12-13 to host Elder David Homer and his wife Nancy from the Asia Area Presidency.  They were a delight and so kind to come and see how we are doing and to minister to us and our missionaries.  As we tried to find them in the busy train station to pick them up a man saw us looking around and came up and asked if he could help us.  He went out of his way for several minutes to guide us to where we needed to be.  We had even gone there the night before to map it all out but had gone to the different entrance the next day so we were confused.  I was so amazed by the kindness of this stranger to go so far out of his way and be the answer to our prayers.  It was so fun to bring the Homers “home” with us and have some company in the apartment.  They graciously greeted us and all our missionaries who came to the conference and those who skyped in and then spoke powerful words of counsel to them.  He told them to listen for the things spoken and asked them to tell him the things they heard that were not spoken  as well.  Powerful to listen in those two ways. He called on me and on Mike—to talk about Teach Repentance and Baptize Converts.  He also had me share how Mike and I met and also anything else we felt impressed to say.  I shared that what I heard that wasn’t said out loud was from Heavenly Father saying:  Look at these amazing missionaries—how I love each one.  How dear and special they are to me.  How proud I am of them!  That’s what I heard and that’s what I shared with them.  My testimony on Repentance  was a quote by Quentin Cook that to preach repentance takes the power of conviction.  Just as the Elder going home shared with us how grateful he was to know he no longer needed to droop in sin, but that he could repent and be clean through the Savior, we too need to know this great gift individually so we can preach of the power of repentance with conviction! I felt so grateful as I testified of the power of repentance in my own life.  The power to be lifted from our pains and sorrows is an additional great gift of the Atonement I’m so grateful for!

One of the many things the Homers shared which was powerful was: “Never doubt the divinity of your call! He called you because of the uniqueness of who you are.  We compare the insides of ourselves to the outsides of others.  There is no one else who can bear testimony but you at this place at this time.  Never compare yourself with others.  Remember how you are in this moment is how Heavenly Father loves you!”  He told a tender story of the time he served as a young missionary in Hong Kong and they worked in retraction buildings for people who were poor from war time circumstances and had nowhere to live.   As missionaries they spent most days walking up floors of cement stairs and knocked doors.  One woman they found was a Sister Muk (muck).  At first she wasn’t receptive because she didn’t see a need for God. But after feeling the influence of the spirit she realized she had been in darkness for years.  She had had to do things in her past during the war to survive that made her feel wracked with guilt.  She was so happy to learn (like Alma the younger in the Book of Mormon) that she could be lifted from that awful heavy feeling and burden through repentance and  faith in Jesus Christ’s Atonement. She became a different person with this light and truth in her life!   He taught the missionaries how this is what they are bringing to individual’s—this gift of helping them repent and being lifted through Christ’s loving sacrifice.  He then said that years later while on a return trip to  Hong Kong he tried to find Sister Muk and go see her but learned she had been put in a home for those with dementia and was told “you won’t want to go there!” It’s a terrible place and you won’t want to see her –she won’t even know you!  He said “that doesn’t matter to me—I want to see her!” So he found the address and went to find her.  He said it was indeed a very sad place in poor condition and he initially didn’t even recognize Sister Muk and walked right by her because she had become so thin and frail.  But when he realized it was her, he took her hand and told her who he was.  I’m Elder Homer—do you remember me? She seemed foggy at first and then suddenly recognized him!  She exclaimed “YOU Came!  You Came! And patted his hand over and over for 20 minutes, saying You came You came!!  The connection with these souls we can help save will be eternal and sweet!

I feel I could say the same for My Savior—You Came, YOU CAME—and for me!  I am so grateful for the great gift of the Savior who CAME and through whom we can be lifted and Clean again!  He lives and loves us and His mercy can lift us and keep us Smiling every day!  I invite us all to come unto Him and allow Him to be our Savior!
The other night for FHE with our dear Liu Huijang (temple President and sister Liu) they sang with boldness and beauty this sweet hymn # 42 I’d never heard before:  I cry thinking of him singing this in Chinese with all his heart and soul and his sweet wife leading next to him.  As I looked up  these lyrics in  English today,  I thought  how perfect they are for these days as the gospel is rolling forth to fill the earth….

Hail to the brightness of Zion’s glad morning!
Joy to the lands that in darkness have lain!
Hushed be the accents of sorrow and mourning.
Zion in triumph begins her glad reign!

How blessed we are to live in this time of Zion’s glad morning—when the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Church—the Church of Jesus Christ—has been restored in these latter days!  We MUST share this good news and relieve others from the darkness of sorrow and mourning!
Women ai nimen! Women ganxie ni de chi dao hen ganxie ni de ai!  Love to you all and gratitude for your love and prayers that sustain us daily, hourly and minute by minute!  We feel them!

Xie Xie nimen!
Ping Jie Mei

Monday, August 6, 2018

Mike's mission families and first Zone Conference!

 In the zone for our First  first day of Zone conferences! 

 Taoyuan Zone Sisters! Love them all!

 Birthday bunch from Taoyuan zone

 Taoyuan Zone conf! They love Costco pizza!

 The Yens—senior couple over apartments!  They’re the best!!

 Zone council training

 Emergency prep skits  at ZC

 Taipei ZC! 

 On the Train to ZC in Hualien 

 The ocean!

 On our way to Dongmen market 

 The Wang family

 Titong today

 President Chao 

The Chao Family