Thursday, November 7, 2019

His Truth Will Proclaim! November 5, 2019

"Our large and spacious blue cave"

Double Happiness symbol on River path

Dear Family and Friends!

Well, I guess you could say being in Taiwan with Mike is DOUBLE HAPPINESS! 

Six Week Follow up
Greetings from our "large and blue spacious building!  Ha Ha! Right now they are totally remodeling our building and we live in a blue cave (all windows boarded up now for four months) and I am confident this experience is helping to remodel our spirits on the inside too!  These last months have been stretching and exhilarating--But God is giving us the ability to do this! We feel like we are on a speeding train where we just hop off to speak at a stake conference, a ward, hop on to go to a fireside, speak there, continuously prep to train missionaries at six week follow up, zone conferences and MLC and to welcome and love our new missionaries and say farewell and thank those who are going home! I wake up sometimes and think I don't know how I'm going to have the energy for all that is ahead, but once I pray and exercise my faith by going and doing like our young missionaries need to do each day, I discover FAITH IS in the DOING! and I/we can all DO all things through Christ which strengtheneth me/us!

Our first gondola ride with Sisters MacCabe, Lee and Cajilig
To increase our missionaries' faith in Christ, we have invited our missionaries to study the attributes of the Savior.  The Christ-like quality of HOPE was one I saw demonstrated and given the other day as I rode in a gondola with two returning sister missionaries.  Since we couldn’t take the missionaries going home to the temple which is our typical departing activity with them and since we wanted to give them an "ELEVATING" (haha) experience, we decided to take them on a gondola ride which overlooks the beauty of Taipei. So we all rode out to a beautiful Buddhist temple and explored it's expansive halls and vistas.  As we rode the gondola back to where we would catch our bus, to remember our missionary purpose, President (Mike) invited us all to try to share the gospel in the gondola cars we were in.  I was with Sister Kirie Smith and Therese MacCabe.  Sitting directly across from us was a college age young man  and his mother.  He had his earphones in and was looking down  and he looked very unlikely to engage in conversation.  His mother seemed really nervous and was also trying to avoid eye contact by looking out the window.  But here we were--three sisters with missionary tags with hope smiling brightly before them and there was no where to go!  I  felt I needed to say something to break the ice so I started with my small Chinese and asked “Nimen shuo Engwen ma? The man said yes— they were from HK and he spoke a bit of English along with Cantonese and Mandarin. His name was Jimmi and this was his first time to Taiwan, he and his mom were there on a vacation. I asked him how things were going in HK with all the unrest and wow he then opened up and told us how hard it is there and how difficult it is to have hope that there will be a resolution. He told of friends he has on the mainland and how scared they are that the police watch everything they do. He told how upset he was that the police shot a young protestor point blank just the day prior in Hong Kong.  He was really distraught about the whole situation.  I was thinking, what scripture could I share about hope? Then, before I could open up to it, Sis. Smith pulled out her phone with the Book of Mormon on the Gospel App.  She told him that they were praying for HK and that they knew God would hear his prayers too.  He was very touched by that.  She asked if he prayed and he said sometimes I think.  She told him that if he would pray God would hear his prayers.  Then she told him that we were representatives of Jesus Christ and that we had a book called the Book of Mormon that would help him feel close to God.  She showed him “Ether 12:4  on her phone and asked if  he would like to read and he agreed: 
Beautiful Miao (temple) at top of the Gondola ride

View from Gondola
“Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God….."

Then Jimmi asked if he could read more and of course we said yes...he read on... “faith is things which are hoped for and not seen, wherefore dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.”

Then Sis MacCabe pulled a B of M out of her backpack and said I want to give you a copy of the Book you just read from –the Book of Mormon (this happened to be her last own personal copy).  But she testified to him that as he read it and prayed He would find HOPE, he would find PEACE through Jesus Christ and that is who we represent and why they were in Taiwan. Jimmi was so touched and said he would read and pray. I testified that as a mother, the Book of Mormon had been such a guide to all our challenges as we raised our family and that I knew that as he read it he would find peace, answers to his questions and feel closer to God. I gave him a tract that I had that tells about what the Book of Mormon is and we used it to mark the page in the Book of Mormon that he had just read.  We invited him to listen to the missionaries and asked him if he'd ever seen the male version of us (haha) and he said Yes! He sees missionaries by his apartment often in HK.  He said he would talk to them upon his return!  And then our ride was over! 

The message of the gospel literally had made his face light up.  After he walked away, we felt so excited and happy we literally jumped for joy that we had the opportunity to give HOPE to this man. We found a quiet place and offered a prayer of gratitude. I know without a doubt that we were put in Jimmi's path. My joy was compounded because I could have such a sweet experience of teaching and testifying with these two sisters I love so much--and on our last day together.   I was so touched by this HOPE they unhesitatingly shared with Jimmi.  They had the hope to find someone and then the hope to share with him! 

Returning group of missionaries at the Miao during gondola ride
Later as I went home, I read in PMG this quote by Neal A. Maxwell which said: “Being blessed with hope, let us, as disciples, reach out to all who, for whatever reason, have moved away from the hope of the gospel.  Let us reach to lift hands which hang hopelessly down."   Pres. James E Faust taught: “Hope is believing and expecting that something will occur.  Hope helps you conquer discouragement.  Hope is the anchor of our souls…the unfailing source of our hope is that we are sons and daughters of God and that His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, saved us from death.”

I was so grateful these sisters possessed this quality of HOPE that this hopeless man desperately needed in order to find it.  I was so grateful for the Book of Mormon which gives us Hope in Christ and helps us know Jesus Christ.

"Do as I'm doing" w Gram
Following Christ as a Child
A few weeks ago as I was on my way out the door, our daughter Lauren called me. And when they called and I was in the process of brushing my teeth.  But I wouldn't pass up the chance to say hello to our little buddy--one year old Graham.  He saw me and studied me, watching with great interest as his Grandma was brushing her teeth.  Then he ran out of the room.  He came running back in with his own toothbrush and immediately started brushing his teeth too! I was so touched that he wanted to do what I was doing.  He was not just content to study me, but to follow me! I was preparing to speak to our missionaries about following the Savior and I felt Graham was teaching me by his eager example as a child the sweet humility of an eager follower. 

I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be an eager follower or disciple of Christ especially since this last General Conference.  The word "disciple" was used 59 times times throughout the sessions.  So many of our leaders talked about helping us become true disciples of Jesus Christ.  Our focus needs to be on HIM—He is why we are here and this is HIS work!
ZC Doctrine of Christ diagram 

Our mission has been studying the Doctrine of Christ and  PMG Chapter 6 which reminds us that we can become as HE is by developing Christ-like Attributes.

I love these reminders in PMG that “Just as vital as what you do, is WHO you are and WHO you are becoming. "   “The restored gospel enables you to become like Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  The Savior has shown the way He has set the perfect example, and He commands us to become as He is.."

When President Nelson addressed all the outgoing Mission presidents and wives this past summer, he pronounced a blessing on them.  "I bless you to feast upon the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ and apply it in your daily lives." General Conference was such a feast about the Doctrine of Christ. I testify that as we practice living His doctrine of faith in His atonement, repentance, renew our baptismal covenants weekly to receive the Holy Ghost and endure to the end by repeating this process weekly, we can become more and more like our Savior, even His disciples with His light and hope! 
Lehi's vision of the Tree of Life in the Book of Mormon
 I love our prophet and leaders and loved all their encouraging words  in GC about never quitting--remembering God knows we aren't perfect but to keep striving. 

RMs went to the temple together upon their return
I felt as if they were like Father Lehi, beckoning us from the Tree of Life to Come to the tree and partake of the fruit--to come unto Christ--to stay on the covenant path and to beware of deceptions and  mists of darkness.  I heard the message that we need to be INTENTIONAL and CAREFUL not CASUAL in keeping our Covenants and be as the wise virgins who put oil in their lamps daily.  I felt the same desire to reach out to my children and grandchildren and I pray for them and for our missionary sons and daughters to heed our dear prophet's and leaders loving counsel to keep us safely gathered in! I loved Sister Michelle Craig's talk about "Spiritual Capacity"  and the word "intentional" --making intentional time with the Lord each day to study His word and hear His voice.  We need to be as the wise virgins who intentionally put oil in their lamps each day!  As we now have over a hundred returned missionaries we see how important this is in order for them to stay on the covenant path.  We continue to try to hold onto them with our prayers and encourage them to do their "REPPS" each day--Read/study the scriptures, exercise, plan, pray and serve to stay in tune and facing the tree!  It is such a jungle out there and we know the only WAY through is through Christ.  He IS the WAY!
Love and pray for these people every day! (Family picture at Anne's wedding --minus our NC grands)

Image result for chinese character for Holy spirit
The Spirit
Elders Yang & Gray explain "ling" 
I love learning the story behind the Chinese characters for certain words.  I'm convinced they were aware of the gospel at some point because of all the spiritual symbols woven through so many characters.  For instance, the character for the word  "boat" shows a vessel, with 8 people and a flood!  Today our Bishop who heads the language program at AIT explained in his testimony that the Chinese character for "repentance" is huigui which shows "change heart every day" That's exactly what repentance is! I hope my heart is changing every day! I recently also learned the character for "righteousness" --pronounced "E shows a "scapegoat" or sacrificed lamb over a person showing that if you put God/ the lamb (scapegoat) over self you are made righteous or perfect. Elder Gray and Elder Yang explained to me The Chinese character for Spirit (pronounced "ling") broken down it shows that like the rain will come down the words from 3 mouths which will be shared through the work of 2 people.  So from a gospel interpretation this means The word of God the father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost (3 mouths) will be spread by the work of 2 people (missionaries proclaiming the gospel).  Amazing!

justice, loyalty, righteousness
Symbol for Righteousness
Speaking of opportunities to learn Chinese, in September we had the thrill of performing in the -Lamb of God!  And all in Chinese! Mike was asked to sing the part of Thomas and so I asked if I could be in the choir since he would be going to rehearsals as his schedule would permit. It was so glorious to sing this sacred music in Chinese after we had grown to love it so much in California with Oakland temple hill choir.  It is so powerful to sing it in Chinese and hear their interpretation of the same words.  I wept hearing and seeing Mike get to do this.  Missionaries brought friends and many wanted to learn more about the gospel and Jesus Christ. It was a powerful missionary opportunity and powerful spiritually opportunity for us personally to share our testimonies through music.  One of our sister missionaries brought a  man investigating who had been struggling about his commitment, who decided after seeing the performance to be baptized!  What a blessing to be here and take part in that special event unique to Taiwan and one that so personally we love and are strengthened by. The message Thomas teaches us in his song especially touched our hearts--He like we, go through times where we doubt or like the man who asked the Savior "help thou mine unbelief"!  This inspired song reassures us  and I too know that we may not now understand our trials but HE does and will make us whole!  I love Thomas' very real and human testimony to us:
Some of our missionaries who performed in L of God

 "Not now, but in the coming years,
It may not be when we demand,
We'll read the meaning of our tears,
And there, sometime, we'll understand
Why what we long for most of all
Eludes our open,pleading hand;
Why ever silence meets our call,
Somewhere, sometime, we'll understand.
So trust in God through all thy days;
Fear not, for He doth hold thy hand;
Though dark thy way, still sing and praise,
Sometime, sometime we'll understand
Sometime we'll fall on bended knee,
And feel there, graven on His hand
Sometime with tearless eyes we'll see
What, here, we could not understand.
So trust in God through all they days;
Fear not, for He doth hold thy hand;
Though dark thy way, still sing and praise,
Sometime, sometime we'll understand!"

I got to sing in the choir with these beautiful sisters
Lamb of God cast and orchestra 
Jungle beauty at Xiangshan

Taiwan is unique! We are apparently in a jungle island! I love interviews when I can talk to the missionaries and find out how they're really doing and what it's really like out there on the streets and in the rice fields and jungle areas.  Elder Griswold told President that he and Elder Yang went to do personal study out by the waterfall in Fengling and looked up to see they were surrounded by a family of monkeys who were coming to join them-or find out what food they might have in their packs! Mike and I got to see monkeys on our hike at Toroko gorge in August as well and bats in the caves we hiked through. I admit I did better upon seeing the monkeys than the bats!! 

Elder Peterson & Elder Chao w/ Huntsman spider
Elder Jackson Peterson--one of our missionaries-- told me about a myriad of critters and creepy crawlers he saw in that same area of Fengling that Elder Griswold is in now--and was protected from!  He showed me a picture of a giant Huntsman spider he found in his apartment and trapped and that as they cleaned up all the cockroaches and extra dongxi in their apartment they went to put stuff in the attic.  Above the attic door it had something written in Chinese--beware of bats!  Sure enough when they opened the door of the attic they saw 20 plus medium sized bats nested in the ceiling! They deposited their things and closed the door fast! And we are definitely trying to find a new apartment there! 

Ferret Badger
As the area is very rural there he said he saw an animal that he didn't recognize.  He had been asking me if any animals in Taiwan carried rabies and I had actually done research on that because of another Elder who had been bitten by a black squirrel last year.  The only animal that they've found carries rabies here is the ferret badger. I looked it up on my phone and showed him and he said Whoah! that's the animal I've seen alot of here and didn't know the name! I said "interesting you'd ask so now you can know to stay clear of them!"  

Many banded Krait--venomous spider in Taiwan
Bats in cave in Taiwan
He told me several members have warned them about poisonous snakes that come out at night.  He told me that one night he and his companion rode their bikes out on a rural trail to visit a member and it was dark when they headed back.  He thought he better turn on his light and stop because he didn't hear or see his companion.  When he turned on the light he saw a black and white snake crawling across his path.  It was a "many banded krait" --highly venomous.  Thankfully he saw it so he could avoid it and also thankfully Elder Peterson is a Marine! He said he was curious if that was the real poisonous one the locals had told him about. He has told me some of his war stories in Iraq and I already have such huge respect for him  but I feel he deserves a badge of valor for serving in Fengling after his bravery in  dealing with armies of cockroaches, huge spiders, bats, ferret badgers and venomous snakes!  Once again he is earning his stripes. 

Sister Griffin and Sister Dalton--Taitung interviews
During interviews I always ask to see pictures--including pics of their families, and I love to hear the miracles they're experiencing.  And I share mine and ask them for tips on how to street contact and how to work with our investigator pengyous as well. This week I learned how to ask some new phrases and I'm excited to try. 
Eldere Duncan
One of the miracles I was so touched by was that one of our missionaries--Elder Duncan,  who felt he didn't see much success in a hard area. Months later after being transferred to a new area, he got a phone call from the ZL's in his old area. They had been tracting on the streets and had met a young man.  When they began to tell him about the Book of Mormon the young man said, "Do you mean THIS book? and he then pulled out his own copy from his backpack.  He had apparently been reading it and was half way through! The ZL's were shocked.  They asked him where he got it and he said:" from an Elder Duncan" on the street a few months ago. When the ZL's called Elder Duncan to let him know his efforts had paid off with this young man, he didn't even recall giving it to him. It was a very quick contact, but it had been life changing for the young man. Elder Duncan wept for joy as he wrote about what this meant to him.   That young man (Peng2chen2yao4--haha I only know how to write the pinyin) was taught by the ZL's and is now a recent convert--was baptized this past week!  We never know when sharing the Book of Mormon with a friend or a total stranger and our testimony of it will change their life like it did for this man.  
Sister Li and Sister Wang in Miaoli
Elders Henderson & Weber drenched from rain
Elders VanderLinden & Dalton in Xinchu
 I am so inspired and touched and love these missionaries so much.  I see their sweat stained shirts, their worn shoes and belts and bikes and know what a privilege I have to see them on the streets doing this work! I imagine their parents if they could see them, what they would feel in the joy of seeing their son or daughter so willing to work so hard to find and teach God's children here.  Biking around Taiwan is not easy and they do it day in and day out for about 10 to 11 hours a day.  I honestly know there is no way they should be able to do it physically, but God sustains them and not only that, they do it joyfully--most of the time! I am still in awe of these incredible warriors for truth! Sister Wang is even having the joy of teaching her own father how to pray over their weekly skype calls.  It brings us so much joy to see her joy over this incredible mission blessing she's receiving as the only member in her family. We learn so much from each missionary and their faith and service.  This week we bid farewell to our former assistant, Elder Weber who is going home a few months early for medical procedure /health reasons. As I think about all he has given, I can't imagine he could have given more.  We are deeply touched.   These missionaries may leave Taiwan but they will never leave our hearts!
Three of our Returned Missionaries are at US Naval Academy
Sister Lyman and Sister Zhang
Farewell to our amazing AP Elder Trent Weber 

Doctrine & Covenants 138:56 states:  “Even before they were born, they, with many others, received their first lessons in the world of spirits and were prepared to come forth in the due time of the Lord to labor in his vineyard for the salvation of the souls of men.” How blessed we feel to be here with these prepared servants laboring in the Lord’s vineyard in Taiwan! 
I keep hearing this Primary song in my head when I'm with them...
We believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ.  
We’ll honor his name.
We’ll do what is right;
We’ll follow his light.
His truth we will proclaim! 

Seniors hike up Xiangshan Mt
As Thankgsiving rolls around, I'm grateful for my family and friends. I don't know what I'd do without their love and support.We have been so blessed to have some of our friends --The Bements from Washington--Mike's former mission comps and his dear wife, come serve in the office.  It is such a comfort and a blessing to have them and our other amazing senior missionaries and friends in the English ward to keep us going! 

Uncle Kelly Crabb
A week ago we lost my Uncle Kelly Crabb to cancer.  He was only 72.  He was always so kind to me. He was a well-known successful Hollywood attorney--represented many famous people, but he was also a loving devoted servant of the Lord and father, husband, uncle and brother.  He served his mission in Japan when we were young children. He brought us girls--his nieces-- special gifts all the way from Japan that I have kept since, including a kimono and a little music box. The love he brought and shared with me from Japan made my heart turn toward the Asian culture and people, built upon later when Mike and my parents served missions in Asia.  Kelly was so musically talented as well and wrote a favorite Christmas song that has given me great food for thought about our Savior and Mary His mother.  In the chorus it says: Mary told Jesus, the FIRST Christmas story--how angels had sung on that night filled with glory! How shepherds and angels were there at the start, and Mary kept all of these things in her heart." I love thinking about Mary "speaking softly, as if in a prayer", telling Jesus from the time he was a toddler about his glorious birth and the heavenly and humble and wise visitors alike all coming with bended knee to worship their King.  I'm so grateful for my uncle's testimony of the Savior that has had such an impact on my life and my children's as we have sung this song each Christmas and pondered on His glorious birth.Our missionaries are learning Christmas music to share at a fireside in December and each time we sing these songs my heart fills with the joy of His birth and a testimony that He lives and came for US. That is the message we share now to the world, through our humble missionaries, and all of our humble testimonies.

At this time of Thanksgiving, I am so grateful for Christ.  I can testify His merciful arms are outstretched to each of us! They are open and waiting no matter what we have done or how many times we have had to repent and restart.  This loving phrase "arms of mercy" is in the scriptures 47 times! He invites us over and over.  May we always be grateful and come unto Him!

 "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest... Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life.  Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me." (3 Ne 9:13-14)

GRATEfully yours!
Ai nimen,
Ping Jie Mei/Sister Peterson/ Shelley/Gma/ Momma

We are so THANKFULL for all our Cute Lil Pumpkins In Utah....

North Carolina .....and

...New York City !

1 comment:

  1. Taiwan Elder Abuse by Aiai Nursing Home & they have an exceptionally abusive and incompetent facility. They openly disobey basic standards of care for their disabled patients. Their front-line employees and management are a sadistic, vile crew incapable of introspection or improvement. They are disgusting people with no conscience!

    Read Full story at:
